PURPOSE: Share the research I am carrying out with all so that they can reuse a few of my conclusions and workout the Challenges. VISION: Build up a body of knowledge (BoK), KNOWLEDGE TREE - GUIDEBOOKS, For all Agilist’s. MISSION: Pursue building all the discoveries on a periodic basis to focus on the Business Transformation challenges and disseminate knowledge with Agilist’s.
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
Building Personal Leadership
When I commenced composing about my book, The Agilist’s Guidebook, my focus area was Organizational Agile Transformation challenges.
My purpose was to capture all the issues I had experienced and thereafter I wish to reuse those in my forthcoming endeavors.
As I organizational challenges are moving targets and there many such challenges when I started capturing all those, can develop into an epic! And in my next book, I should highlight something else.
One of the comments which Dr. Rajeeb Jha, Consultant in Germany, shared has changed my way of thinking and pushed my book to a diverse set of readers.
Why only Software Developers community, this universal challenges can be used by any individuals to any field to improve self and become a stronger leader.
Just have a look at the chapters and they are so generic concepts anyone will get benefit out of these concepts.
Let us share this with all and develop each other. It does not cost much to experiment with this book.
One more comment from Niraj Bhandari, Product Manager , Indeed.com, Japan also on similar line echoed the same.
Few of the chapters which talks about developing self
Sunday, 17 March 2019
Friday, 15 March 2019
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Monday, 11 March 2019
Sriharsha comments: The Agilist's Guidebook
My First book comments from London!! One of the best comment so far I have ever received. Love this reader for his writing proficiency. I cherish the passion Sree has been revealing. His commitment to becoming better on a regular basis is magnificent. It inspires me as a writer when I have such a reader. There’s no dearth of words from his expression, there is abundance in his thought while appreciating others works, he looks for possibilities and digs deeper into the work product by using his optimistic glasses.
I admire this attitude. For certain one day you can be a writer, I recognize you will write..…thanks for your time and effort.
Sunday, 10 March 2019
Saturday, 9 March 2019
When I run out of the Cave!

When I first read about the THE ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE, I thought for a moment and start thinking how can I apply this concept in my own life and my work.
It is a short excerpt from the beginning of Plato’s book, The Republic.
Plato explains that a man who is a slave is born in a cave and spends his entire life chained inside the cave.
He has never had any experience in the open and has never even seen the sun except through a small opening that comes into the cave just a few hours every day.
During these brief encounters with the outside world, he and his fellow slaves see shadows of birds flying on the cave wall, and the slave gets curious.
One day, he breaks his chains and runs to the opening of the cave to see the outside world for the very first time.
He sees real birds with feathers flying through the air and is amazed. So excited, he returns to his fellow slaves to explain what he has seen.
Of course to the slaves, a bird is not a feathered, flying animal. It is a black spot that hovers on the rocks a few times a day.
To them the shadow is their reality of what the bird is, and they think that the returning slave has gone mad. He is so uprooting their reality of what truth is that they have to stop him, and the mob kills him.
Socrates says, “An unexamined life is not worth living.”
This metaphorically represents our arduous ascent to higher learning.
It calls for our undying drive for the truth.
The prisoner that escaped from the cave questioned all his beliefs as he experienced a change in his view of the world rather than just being told an alternative.
Being a passive observer, as the prisoners who wish to stay in the cave, would generally prefer to keep things as they are.
According to Plato, education is seeing things differently
Plato's point is that the prisoners would be mistaken. For they would be taking the terms in their language to refer to the shadows that pass before their eyes, rather than (as is correct, in Plato's view) to the real things that cast the shadows.
If a prisoner says "That's a book" he thinks that the word "book" refers to the very thing he is looking at. But he would be wrong. He's only looking at a shadow. The real referent of the word "book" he cannot see. To see it, he would have to turn his head around.
As Scrum Master, I was passionate to go out of the prison and explore the world. My experience, I have started noting down for myself.
I was getting better value when I shared the original story from my experience with others. I commenced working out the same more and more.
I believe we all require to explore the experience as a Scrum Master or Agile coach or Product owner in real time.
Let us go out of the prison by working out level best and explore the real Sun, not the shadow.
You can read about more stories of my life from the book, The Agilist's Guidebook.
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