Friday, 8 February 2019

Pancha bhoota Model

Shloka: Tasmadva etasmadatmana akash sambhutah |

Akasadvayuh | Vayoragnih | Agnerapah |

Adbhyah prithvi | Prithivya osadhayah |

Osadhibhyosnam |Annat purusah ||

Meaning: From that atman (Supreme soul) space came into being from space wind, from wind fire, from fire water, from water earth, from earth plants, from plants food, from food man came into being.

Source: Yajur-vedah, Taittiriyopanisad,vBrahmananda – valli, Anuvakah 1 (Vedic period)

Nature is made up of 5 major elements known as Panchabutas. These five elements are supposed to be the parent elements and all the other elements are inherited from these parent elements.Individual human body or the larger cosmic body, essentially, they are made of five elements – earth, water, fire, air and space.If these five elements don’t cooperate, you can struggle as much as you want, nothing happens. Only with their cooperation, from the basic aspects to the highest aspect, your life becomes a possibility.
How to strengthen these 5 forces at organization?

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