Friday, 28 June 2019

Great team players: what can we pick up from them?

Workers with inferior people skills can usually identify themselves in the midst of unnecessary conflict. This can be tiresome and arduous for all concerned, and it can damage even the best-laid work plans.

What are the key characteristics we can learn from the great team players which we can apply in our team?

Purpose: All the team members recognize what is the significant purpose for what they are striving. Do you see the same at your team?

Trust: People on the team are extremely confident that the other members’ actions are in everyone’s best interest. Do you see the same at your team?

Passion: They come to the office to carry out a change to the world. Always ready to contribute and made their heart and soul into every opportunity they have to be on the work place. These team members care about their teammates and the culture surrounding the team. Passionate team members make things happen! Do you see the same at your team?

Hard Work: They keep seeking new of ways of working out the works, they never mind failing but they will again commence and continue moving.Do you see the same at your team?

Communication: The outstanding team members always heart out and share what are their concern and how they are feeling when they are upset. They are open and honest – speak up when required. They keep their teammates accountable to each other and to the team. Good team members are effective in informal sharing.

Reliable: People like the Individuals that show up on time, work hard, be positive and honest and predictable. Consistency is key. If you have such team members you are in mental piece.

Committed : Commitment to a common goal is one of the foundations of teamwork. It takes place when each representative of the team concentrates on achieving the team’s purpose over and above their individual objectives.

Accountable: Accountability gives individuals a greater sense of ownership over their work. You can improve ownership by delegating authority for functions within your team for team members to lead.

Flexible: He or she doesn’t hold rigidly to a point of view and defend it to death, specifically when the team needs to move forward to carry out an agreement or get something done, They don’t complain or get stressed out because something different is being tried or some other direction is being set.

Respect: Team members are conscious of how to listen and ask questions, especially clarifying and inquiring questions. Team members can offer support for their leaders by offering to support them with the projects they are working on. Co-workers can support each other by getting engaged and supporting other member’s.

Empathetic: One of the crucial skill for the team members. If they could not feel for others, then there will be dysfunctional issues. They recognizing emotions in others and being able to “put yourself in another person’s shoes” – figuring out the other person’s viewpoint and reality.

Sense of humor – It’s crucial that team members be able to laugh – at life, at stupid jokes, and frequently at or with each other in a healthful sense.

Celebrate small accomplishment; They have the habit of enjoying the success however small it may be

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, thank you so much for sharing this post regarding Group and Team Leadership Development with us.


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