Friday, 29 November 2019

Transformation Guidebooks....Manual for all Agilists

Self Development to------>>> Team Development, An adventure that will continue for every agilist’s career.

I have been traversing this expedition and still continuing …..

The 2 guidebooks which I have composed, The Scrum Master Guidebook and The Agilist’s Guidebook has, a distinct purpose. They focus on unique demands. But every agilist’s can gain benefit from these 2 books.

The Scrum Master Guidebook starts with self-development.

This book concentrate on the most important role every delivery organization requires to strengthen with utmost seriousness. Because this role carries tremendous impact in the Delivery and execution process. The Pillar of any agile organization is this Scrum Master role. Accept it or not, look at the current Pillar maturity model and success rate of the delivery.

This book propose for all the Scrum Master to pass through 7C chakra Model.

7C chakra model talks about how I can as a scrum master strengthen all these 7C areas so that I can perform better.

The challenges scrum masters faces can be addressed when we strengthen with this 7C Chakra model.

There is definitely no ambiguity when all these 7C s are strengthened by you as a scrum master, you will be able to deal with the situation better.

This workbook will highlight the below chapters or 7C chakras —
  1. Chapter I How to develop awesome Communication skill?
  2. Chapter II How to develop Creativity?
  3. Chapter III How to develop Companionable skill?
  4. Chapter IV How to develop a Competent team?
  5. Chapter V How to develop Change Management skill?
  6. Chapter VI How to develop Charismatic leadership skill?
  7. Chapter VII How to develop Catalyst skill?

On the other way, The Agilist’s Guidebook is all about Organizational Agile Transformation.

The challenges agilists will experience to transform the organization has been explained

The Panch Bhoota, 5 forces that dominate us, has to be taken care.

We treat organizational as a Living Being, no more machine, every living being is governed by these 5 forces.

Five elements in the Pancha Bhoota Model are the enabler which will benefit the organization to gain agility.

The Agilist's Guidebook will highlight the below chapters ( 5 Forces- Pancha Bhoota Model)
  1. Chapter I, How to develop ourselves as a better Coach by focusing on a few of the essential areas.
  2. Chapter II, Coaching on Leadership development
  3. Chapter III, Coaching focus on the High-performance team, how a coach can help?
  4. Chapter IV, Coaching focuses on the right mindset and how to change this?
  5. Chapter V, Coaching focus on Organizational Transformation

When we have both these books and we take actions around these 2 models ( 7C for self-development, 5 forces for Organization development) an individual will be better armed with the transformation journey.

We are gearing ourselves for the digital challenges thrust upon us.

We have to actively visualize and practice both these concepts to self-development and Organization development. 

We will have many challenges. These books are like, Army training manuals and it is the army personnel after the training has to exercise this knowledge on the battlefield and bring various heroic stories back home!

Manual is the same but individual do many heroic exercises which no training manual can capture.

You as an individual need to set up a development plan for yourself after reading these workbooks.

I am positive, we will have many stories from the ground when we started applying all these concepts.
“Companies that change may survive, but companies that transform thrive. Change brings incremental or small-scale adaptations, while transformation brings great improvements that ripple through the future of an organization.”– Nick Candito

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